Mastering Executive Presence

Your Elevated Leadership Blueprint to

Discover, Develop, and Demonstrate Powerful Executive

Presence That Gets…

Intense. Positive. Attention.

They Won’t Tell You This Directly

The leadership won’t usually come up to you and tell you “hey, we think you lack executive presence,” but it will show in other ways.
When you offer up a great idea at a meeting that gets completely overlooked…
When someone else who doesn’t work nearly as hard as you gets promoted over you…
When you meet all the goals that have been set for you and they tell you “you’re not quite ready yet. Maybe next year...”

That’s when you’ll know that your executive presence - or lack thereof -

is an obstacle to progress to the highest level in your career.

This Won’t Change on Its Own

Which is when many people start trying to:

Imitate great leaders they’ve met throughout their careers,

ignoring the fact that those leaders are nothing like them…

Attend Toastmaster meetings

hoping to improve their speaking and presentation skills…

Or fake their confidence

hoping it will eventually lead to real confidence…

But none of that works.

At best, these things are only a piece of the puzzle.

At worst, they waste your time while keeping you stuck in

inauthentic leadership.

But the good news is...

Great Executive Presence

Isn’t Exclusively Reserved for “the Naturals”

You can stride into a

high level meeting and

own the room.

You can lead and

influence the people around

you to create powerful,

long-lasting change.

And you can get

recognized for your unique

value and impact.

I’m confident in saying this because…

Over the Past 20 Years

I’ve Developed 100s of Leaders

Hi I’m Alice Mar Rocher

I have helped many leaders develop their executive presence and step into that senior leadership role. I spent 20 years at the table with senior leaders. I am now a consultant, facilitator, and executive coach 1 on 1 and in group settings.

I’ve seen leaders with diverse, introspective, humble and unique personalities grow in confidence and poise to embody a powerful presence - without having to sacrifice being true to who they are.

I’ve seen extremely intelligent people with debilitating anxiety over client and senior leader meetings learn to speak to their value and embody a powerful presence.

And I’m confident no matter where you’re starting in your executive presence journey, you can develop a powerful executive presence…

As Long As You Know

What to Focus On

That’s where Mastering Executive Presence comes in.

It builds on top of your existing strengths, unique experience,

and expertise to help you develop authentic executive presence.

Through a unique blend of assessments, psychology, mind tools, content, and skill straining that I use with

my 1 on 1 and group coaching clients, you’ll be able to discover, develop, and demonstrate your

executive presence to get the results you want.

Here’s a sneak peak

at how we’ll make this all happen:


Essential Foundational Training: The Building Blocks of Elevated Presence

No more confusion and frustration! You’ll discover exactly what executive presence is, the three keys to establish credibility, and how to make strong, positive impressions that will get you noticed.


Enhance Your Self and Other-Awareness to Demonstrate Flexibility And Build Positive Relationships

Stop wondering how to ”click” with all the players. Discover how to build strong, positive relationships in any environment - no matter how challenging it is. Get clear strategies to develop and leverage a keen awareness of yourself and others and become more engaging.


Maximize Your Influence Through Powerful  Communication for Better Collaboration, Bigger Impact, and Mutual Gain

Say goodbye to communication missteps. Learn powerful communication strategies and the specific language you can use to create exceptional influence, own the room, and get buy-in even in the face of strong resistance.


Building Your Brand

Don’t know what your personal brand is or how to build it to guarantee your long-term success? Get the exact strategies to shape your brand, manage your reputation, and bounce back if things go wrong.

What Clients Are Saying

I cannot emphasize enough the immense transformation I experienced.

After having lost three executive jobs in less than five years, I needed help to figure out why I was struggling. I had gone from being a decision-maker and change-agent to lost. Alice went deeper, connecting me to the leader I am, and used powerful tools to get me back to the place where I could excel. I cannot emphasize enough the immense transformation I experienced. Anyone needing to get to the next level as a leader should be working with Alice!


I was able to gain the trust of the senior leaders.

I went to work with a startup company in a new role the company previously didn't have. In this new role, I was challenged building trust and rapport with the owners and senior management team. Even though the owners hired me for my expertise, they were reluctant to trust my recommendations and make necessary changes to grow the business. This led to me feeling frustrated about missed opportunities and even to question my abilities to help move this fast-growing company forward. After working with Alice, I was able to gain the trust of the

senior leaders. When I lead using my values, I can be confident. Learning how to inject outcome questions and resistance questions during meetings and one on one discussions helped bring clarity and positive outcomes. Working with Alice was a wonderful experience because she pushed me to be a better leader.

M.P. Read More

I own my position and achieved another promotion!

Alice is a phenomenal coach! She helped me learn to rephrase my thoughts into powerful and elegant language that is both intelligent and re-usable. This has upgraded my communication and effectiveness as a leader. I have also grown in mindset and resilience. The most powerful shifts are: I now know how to not diminish my power.  Alice is inspirational, real, and practical with the tools and resources she brings!! This experience has been the best self-improvement opportunity. It helped me focus on how to grow as a person and a leader. I now have a brighter

outlook and better emotional regulation. I own my position and achieved another promotion! I owe a great deal to Alice and her coaching! I cannot thank her enough for opening my eyes to how strong I am, my heart to new opportunities to grow, and my mind to know I can do it and do it well!

A.H. Read More

I confidently and authentically embodied the values that inspire others to follow me.

As a high performer and as someone extremely focused on career advancement, I achieved some meaningful goals, yet I found myself frustrated and confused as to what would actually tip the scales to get the support and recognition needed for a more senior level promotion.  Working with the tools and resources Alice provided upgraded my mindset and skills. It freed me up to harness my energy and leverage my authentic self to work on areas that required the necessary focus. I became more aware, leveraged the tools, and began to highlight

my unique skills and leadership style. I confidently and authentically embodied the values that inspire others to follow me. 

Alice strikes the perfect balance of insightfulness, challenge and inspiration.  She provides the sounding board that leaders need to expand and excel at the senior level.  Alice gives you practical and effective resources to implement to expand your identity, awareness, communication style, and brand.  All of this amplifies your executive presence. Working with Alice allowed me to aggressively, but gently, lead from a place of strength in a way that amplified the sense of trust and collaboration with my colleagues.  I now hold the highest position in my department.

I would encourage anyone to seek out Alice as a coach or mentor. Behind every leader is a great coach, motivator, and supporter. And that best describes Alice.

J.S. Read More

Meet Your Instructor

Alice helps accelerate growth in leaders by teaching them to harness their energy, develop a strong identity and presence, build their brand, and master influence and communication skills. She brings over 20 years of experience influencing and leading across multiple industries to include software development, healthcare, and manufacturing.

I teach executives and emerging leaders to mind their leadership and develop specifically where they need it most. I help clients reach their high point and get undeniable certainty that they have every resource to stand out and succeed.

With a masters degree in leadership development and two decades at the table with senior leaders as the only female and Hispanic, I know exactly what it takes to influence and lead, with and without authority.

I’m an ICF, iPEC, ELI MP certified coach, Hogan Consultant, Bates EXPI Consultant, and Master Practitioner and Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) through the Association of Integrative Psychology and hold a certificate in Applied Neuroscience.

Choose the Right Option for You


  • 2 Year Access to the Program

  • 1 Year Access to Worksheets and Exercises

  • 4 Modules of Course Content

  • 39 Video Lessons

  • 3+ Hours of Video Education

  • Notes and Action Plan workbook for the course

  • 3 months live group Q&A/Coaching sessions once a month focusing on specific presence-enhancing techniques



  • Everything in ESSENTIAL plus…

  • Personalized feedback on leadership values, value statements, and branding adjectives via email (4 personalized emails)

  • Energy Leadership Index pre-recorded webinar

  • Energy Leadership Assessment, debrief with certified ELI Master Practitioner (50 minutes)

  • Additional resources: Bonus Imposter Syndrome pre-recorded webinar

  • Recommended reading list



  • Everything in ELEVATE plus…

  • Two one-on-one coaching sessions (45 mins each) tailored to individual goals

  • Priority support direct email access with coach for ongoing guidance (one per coaching session - 2 total)

  • Hogan Assessment Flash Report, and Debrief (60 minutes)

  • Access to monthly advanced recorded mini modules on specialized topics

  • Bonus Pre-recorded webinar: Using The Language of Representational Systems to Influence and Communicate


The Executive Satisfaction Guarantee

I know the material in this course works because I’ve tested it with my 1 on 1 and group coaching students over the past 20 years. That’s why if you go through the course, watch all the videos, do all the exercises, practice and implement everything your learned, and don’t experience a noticeable shift in your executive presence within 180 days, you can reach out to me for a full, 100% refund.

Success by the Numbers

Every client I work with is unique,

but the fundamentals and foundations of success stay the same.

  Out of all the clients I’ve worked with so far…


Achieved a promotion to the top 2 most

senior positions in their division or

a “chief” title.


Of those who achieved a promotion,

did so within just 6-12 months of

our work together.


How do I know this course will work for me?

This course is based on two decades of experience and seeing what works and doesn’t work in the real world, not in a theoretical “leadership bootcamp.” I’ve helped my 1 on 1 and group coaching clients become confident and reach their goals using the same exact information in this course and I’m confident it will work for you.

Is there a money back guarantee?

Yes! If you do all of the exercises and watch all of the videos, but don’t experience a noticeable boost in your executive presence within 180 days, just reach out to me and I’ll happily refund you every penny.

How long will this course take to complete?

I didn’t design this course to be something you take once and never come back to. I created it as a resource you can come back to over and over again as you take your executive presence to new heights. That said, you can complete this course in approximately 4 weeks if you spend just 15 minutes per day on it. DD

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